I read an article today about a man explaining that men need sex. He went on to say that sex is a man’s version of love, it’s the fountain men drink from. He didn’t say that women need to just enslave themselves to men and get nothing in return, however, there was a comparison between animals, babies and men. That when a baby cries, you don’t get mad at it, you just give the baby his or her bottle.
And that is just the issue. Us being humans, is exactly what separates us from animals. We have a sense of self control, of empathy for other human beings and somewhere there should be morals that God pushed down into the depths of our souls before we were born. Comparing a man to a baby is truly putting men’s standards for themselves at the bottom of the totem pole. If I view a man as an animal or a baby, why would I want to sleep with him? There has to be a desire for some type of human evolution beyond “sexual instincts.” If there’s not, then rape happens. And this is why men are usually the ones to commit such acts.
I have, unfortunately, dated more men than I’d like to admit and have certainly had my fair share of sexual encounters with them. And being completely honest, I can only think of one that was worth it and that’s only because we had children that I love dearly. Other than that, wasn’t worth it in the slightest. Nothing is ever enough. When they get bored of you, it’s either off to porn or physical interactions with other women. Then when they get tired of that, sometimes they resort to other men. Sometimes they resort to goats, farm animals, babies, a hole in a tree (true story) or emotional cheating (girls on twitter, instagram, someone at work). Nothing is ever enough, it seems.
The amount of rape, physical, financial, verbal and emotional abuse I have endured from men ruined me as a person. They have beat the child out of me. The sparkle has left my eyes almost completely. As a teenage girl, I was so traumatized by this warped perception men have given me of myself, I resorted to massive amounts of alcohol abuse. And in turn, engaging in sexual acts that should have never been happening at such a young age. It’s usually the men you know. Even relatives. Some of them don’t care if you are their daughter, granddaughter or niece. It has a hole, right?
I know this is off-putting. It was certainly off-putting experiencing it. But I don’t see how much has changed. If you want a woman to sleep with you, and I say this with all the love in the world, …evolve. Because guess what? WE WANT TO SLEEP WITH YOU! Yes, that’s right! We WANT to. At this point, I’m begging for a reason. But no one owes you shit. And that’s the way the cookie crumbles.
The Red Pill community has completely ruined your brains to make you believe that treating a woman like shit is the best way to get her under your thumb. And guess what? The Red Pill community would be right. Because most of us have been so far beat down by one, two, three or more of you that we don’t have much fight left in us. So is that who you’d like to be? The lion who goes after the wounded gazelle? Nothing is impressive about that. If I punch a toddler, that doesn’t make me a good fighter. It makes me a piece of shit. Do better. Have some discipline. Develop self control. Watch some videos on establishing emotional intelligence. We’re tired of teaching you empathy. And for God sake, stop lying. It’s called a woman’s intuition for a reason.
Some of you want to bring sex up on a first date. If you feel comfortable enough to bring that up, then you should be comfortable enough for me ask you to pay a bill. If you don’t want tacky, don’t be tacky. A woman is a multiplier. Whatever she becomes under your care is exactly what you are. We are receivers and creators. You are givers. So what are you giving that we can multiply? Because whatever that thing is, is the seeds you planted-the seeds you will sow.
Marriage was supposed to be the best day of a woman’s life, but from every woman I have spoken to, it ended up being the worst years of her life. She was asked to pay half, but still remain submissive. She was expected to give full access to her body while cooking all of the food and cleaning the entire house all while still going to work. If you want a “submissive” or “feminine” woman, then I suggest you learn how to create that space so she can naturally fall into that. There’s nothing worse than being in a situation like that and be expected to still look up to and respect your husband/man/boyfriend. You want women to pay for you to cosplay head of household. You want a submissive provider. You are becoming the punchline.
We want you. We want you bad. But we NEED to want you. Give us a reason. Give us true confidence. Beating a woman down physically, emotionally or mentally is not a win. You are teaching yourself that others must be small so you can feel big. You must become big enough to uplift those around you. Because that is what a LEADER does. And the only way you’ll build confidence is through courage. What are you afraid of? We are looking to you with hope. And many of us still believe that some day, it will happen. But how many of us will die alone while waiting? We are there now-where we’d rather die alone than die with you. Be the change that you want to see in us. Be the leaders God intended.